Kids & Teens WOD 7/18/17

Warm-Up Coach’s Choice WOD prep Ring Dips WOD 12 Minute Ladder 20 M Plate Push 10 Double Unders 2 Ring Dips Add 2 ring dips every round Post WOD Mobilize!
WOD Thursday 8/17/17

WOD Thursday 8/17/17

Billy T. applying his fitness! Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Max unbroken strict pull-ups as soon as you come off the rig go into max time hand stand hold or plank hold. WOD Running on Empty 4 rounds for time 30 double unders or 90 speed steps 30/21 Calorie...
WOD Wednesday 8/16/17

WOD Wednesday 8/16/17

This is a caption contest.  Please post in comments what I may be thinking after coming up from the water.. Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Work your way up to wod weight WOD For time: The Green Mile 1500m Row 15 Push Jerks (155,105) 1000m Row 10 Push Jerks...
WOD Tuesday 8/15/17

WOD Tuesday 8/15/17

Malcolm Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the power cleans to wod weight. Muscle up practice WOD Power Ball AMRAP 25 400 M Run 25 AB-mat sit-ups Then 1 round of 2 muscle -ups 4 Strict HSPU 8 power cleans(135,95) Option 2: AMRAP 25 400 M Run 25 AB-mat sit-ups...

WOD Monday 8/14/17

Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep 5,5,5,5,5 DB Bulgarian split squats. Climb to a heavy set. WOD 3-6-9-12-15-18 KB Thrusters (35,26) Burpees Option 2: 3-6-9-12-15-18 KB Thrusters (26,18) Burpees Option 3: 2-4-6-8-10-12 KB Thrusters (18,13) Burpees Post WOD Couch...
WOD Sunday 8/13/17

WOD Sunday 8/13/17

Ken, Alex & John Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Build to WOD Weight WOD Sea Bass Deadlifts 10-8-6-4-2 (315, 205) Box Jumps 20-16-12-8-4 (24,20) Push-ups 30-24-18-12-6 Option 2: Deadlifts 10-8-6-4-2 (225, 150) Box Jumps 20-16-12-8-4 (24,20) Push-ups...