2018 In-House Throwdown – Revisions made 10/19/18
Grip RIP & Burp
With a 14 minute clock
Minute 0 to 12
Part A – 50 Burpees over the bar for time. Break up reps however you like.
Part B – With remaining time both athletes establish a 3 rep max hang clean. You may power or squat the clean. 1 bar per team.
From minute 12 to 14 max box jump overs (24″,20″) (Box step overs allowed.) Every box jump over is worth 1 lb. towards your combined 3 rep hang clean total.
*There are two scores for this workout:
1 – Burpees for time
2 – Combined 3 rep clean weight
With a 14 minute clock
Minute 0 to 12
Part A – 30 Burpees over the bar for time. Break up reps however you like.
Part B – With remaining time both athletes establish a 3 rep max hang clean. You may power or squat the clean. 1 bar per team.
From minute 12 to 14 max box jump overs (20″) (Box step overs allowed.) Every box jump over is worth 1 lb. towards your combined 3 rep hang clean total.
*There are two scores for this workout:
1 – Burpees for time
2 – Combined 3 rep clean weight
12 Double Sumo KB dead lifts (53,35)
9 One arm KB Russian swings (53,35)
6 One arm KB shoulder to over head (53,35)
Partners must complete all the reps in a movement before you can switch. Switch as you like between movements.
**1 partner will be working on the bike for max calories.
*There are two scores for this workout:
1 – Total Reps in AMPRAP
2 – Total Calories on Bike
12 Double KB sumo dead lifts (35,26)
9 Regular Russian swings (two hands) (35,26)
6 One arm KB shoulder to over head (35,26)
Partners must complete all the reps in a movement before you can switch. Switch as you like in between movements.
*Total reps plus calories is your score.
*1 partner will be working on the bike for max calories.
20/14 cal row
15 ab-mat sit-ups
10 STOH (95,65)
5 pull-ups
Divide the cals and reps however you like.
20/14 cal row
15 ab-mat sit-ups
10 STOH (50,35)
5 Jumping pull-ups
For the jumping pull-ups the measurement of the pull-up bar must be between the middle of the forearm and wrist for both athletes. (We will measure each athlete out before your heat.) The jumping pull-ups must be completed by the same athlete in the round (in other words, one athlete must do all 5 jumping pull ups in a round.) You can alternate who does jumping pull ups from round to round if you like.
* Divide the cals and reps however you like.
40m sled push for time.
20m up 20m back
90/45 RX
70/35 scaled
1 partner works while the other rests. Switch whenever you like. 1 partner must push a minimum of 10m
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