WOD Tuesday 5/29/18

WOD Tuesday 5/29/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Deadlift- 15 minutes to build to a heavy 3 WOD Kettlelicious AMRAP 10: 3 Burpees over the kettlebell, 3 Kettlebell Swings (53,35) 6 Burpees over the kettlebell, 6 Kettlebell Swings  9 Burpees over the kettlebell , 9...
Come for a BBQ after Murph!

Come for a BBQ after Murph!

We’re going to have a casual cookout after Murph.  We’ll have burgers, dogs and a few sides.  Bring somethihng to throw on the grill or an easy side dish.  Friend and family welcome!
WOD Memorial Day Monday 5/28/18

WOD Memorial Day Monday 5/28/18

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. It became “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted...

WOD Sunday 5/27/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the row WOD “Team 10k Row” For Time: 10,000 Meter Row Teams of 3. Change every 250 Meters. CFS Brief: Bringing Common Sense Back to Health Care talk with Mary A. Medeiros, MD, MPH. Thursday, June 28th 6:45pm to 7:45pm....
WOD Saturday 5/25/18

WOD Saturday 5/25/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD 31 Heros with teams of 3 or 4 (similar strengths if possible) AMRAP in 31 minutes 8 Thrusters (155,105) 6 Rope Climbs (15 ft) 11 Box Jumps (30,24 in) Partners will rotate the sand bag run in order...
WOD Friday 5/25/18

WOD Friday 5/25/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD “Three Dog Night” Minute 0 to 5 AMRAP  20 Wall Ball Shots (20,14) 10ft men / 9ft women 10 Deadlifts (185,135) Rest minute 5 to 10 Minute 10 to 17 AMRAP  20/15 Calorie Row 10 Push Jerks...

WOD Thursday 5/24/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep WOD “Boat Race” 3 Rounds For Time: 500 Meter Row 400 Meter Run Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds *Total time is your score. CFS Brief: Bringing Common Sense Back to Health Care talk with Mary A. Medeiros, MD, MPH. Thursday, June...