CFS Athletes Competing!

Come check out your fellow athletes as they compete tomorrow at the Cinco De Mayo Carnival of Fitness, Saturday, May 5th at CrossFit Resilience in Hopkinton – 45R South Street. The following teams are competing: Hanna Carson & Jess Cato-Zachos (Intermedio...

WOD Kids & Teens Friday 5/4/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD Magic Beans Teams of 2 a partner.   5 six minute rounds.  29 total minutes.  1 athlete works while the other rests.  Divide the time how ever you like.  The total reps for each...
Free Class Friday – 5/4/18

Free Class Friday – 5/4/18

Free class Friday is offered the 1st Friday of every month. It is an opportunity for anyone to try CrossFit. Please register here if you will be attending any of the classes offered on Free Class Friday. Note – Even though the time listed below shows 5:30pm...
WOD Friday 5/4/18

WOD Friday 5/4/18

Kevin Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD Magic Beans Teams of 2 a partner.   5 six minute rounds.  29 total minutes.  1 athlete works while the other rests.  Divide the time how ever you like.  The total reps for...
WOD Thursday 5/3/18

WOD Thursday 5/3/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Bench press Build to a heavy 5 WOD AMRAP 15 Baseline 0ption 1 & 2 500 Meter Row 40 Air Squats 30 Sit-Ups 20 Push-Ups 10 Pull-Ups Option 3: 500 Meter Row 40 Air Squats 30 Sit-Ups 20 Push-Ups 10 ring rows or barbell pull-ups...

WOD Kids & Teens Wednesday

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Stone to shoulder WOD Teams of 2. Partner A rows. Partner B runs. Partner A stone to shoulder. Partner B rows. Continue this rotation for the the 20 minutes. AMRAP 20 200m row 200m run 5 Stone to shoulder Post WOD: Mobility...
WOD Wednesday 5/2/18

WOD Wednesday 5/2/18

One mighty family! (2 others were off doing something else cool!) Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Dumbell turkish get up. Work to a heavy 3 each side WOD Teams of 2 Lights Out Partner A Bikes. Partner B Runs. Partner A Snatches. Partner B bikes. Continue this...