WOD Kids & Teens Wednesday 6/27/18

Warm-Up Run 400m then 1 round; 8 See Saw Squats 3 Forward Roll 8 Push Ups 10m walking lunges 8 Knees to Elbows 10 Broad Jumps 20 8 Superman to Hollow holds 10m Toy Soldiers WOD prep Kipping Swings WOD For Time: 25 Pull Ups 20 Wall Balls 15 Burpees 10 Pistols 5 m...
WOD Wednesday 6/27/18

WOD Wednesday 6/27/18

Warm-up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD: Prep the press, push press and push jerk to wod weights. WOD: 3:10 to YUMA AMRAP 5 20 Strict press (95,65) 50 double unders Max calorie row Rest 5 minutes AMRAP 5 15 push press (135,95) 50 double unders Max calorie row Rest 5...
WOD Tuesday 6/26/18

WOD Tuesday 6/26/18

Warm-up: Coaches choice Pre WOD: Prep the movements WOD: Option 1: “Kelen Helly” For Time: 1 Round of Kelly 2 Rounds of Helen 1 Round of Kelly Kelly: 400 Meter Run, 30 Box Jumps (24,20), 30 Wallballs (20,14) 9ft target for ladies Helen: 400 Meter Run, 21 Kettlebell...

WOD Kids & Teens Monday 6/25/18

Warm-Up: Coaches choice WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Teams of 2. One athlete works while the other rests. Athlete A rows athlete B rows. Athlete A bikes Athlete B bikes through the 15-9-6. Each athlete will carry the KB 100m then switch (1x each) 15-9-6 Cal row...
WOD Monday 6/25/18

WOD Monday 6/25/18

Warm-up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD: Build to a heavy complex 1 Power clean 1 Squat clean WOD: Elizabeth Scaling: Elizabeth is a classic benchmark that should be completed relatively quickly. It can be performed with either squat cleans or power cleans. Decide which...
WOD Sunday 6/24/18

WOD Sunday 6/24/18

Warm-Up: Coaches choice WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Wheel of Fortune Teams of 2. One athlete works while the other rests. Athlete A rows athlete B rows. Athlete A bikes Athlete B bikes through the 21-15-9. Each athlete will carry the KB 100m then switch (2x...