WOD Tuesday 7/24/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD Catch Fire 3 Rounds: 1,000 Meter Row 200 Meter Farmers Carry (50,35) 30m Walking Lunges Option 2: 3 Rounds: 1,000 Meter Row 200 Meter Farmers Carry (50,35) 30m Walking Lunges Option 3: 3 Rounds: 1,000 Meter...

WOD Kids & Teens Monday 7/23/18

“Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD 3 Rounds: 1,000 Meter Row 200 Meter Farmers Carry (50,35) 30m Walking Lunges Kids 8-10 3 Rounds: 500 Meter Row 100 Meter Farmers Carry (50,35) 20m Walking Lunges Post WOD: Game coaches choice...
WOD Monday 7/23/18

WOD Monday 7/23/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the complex WOD “BIG CLEAN COMPLEX” 6 Sets for Max Load High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean + Push Press High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean + Push Jerk High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean + Split Jerk One set consists of...
WOD Sunday 7/22/18

WOD Sunday 7/22/18

Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD “Fortitude” Alternating EMOM x 30: Even Minutes – 15/12 Calorie Row Odd Minutes – 15 Burpees Option 2: Alternating EMOM x 30 Even Minutes – 12/9 Calorie Row Odd Minutes – 10 Burpees Option 3: Alternating...
WOD Saturday 7/21/18

WOD Saturday 7/21/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD Spike Ball Teams of 2. 1 person works while the other rests. 50 Calorie bike 50 Toes to bar 50 Calorie bike 50 Hand Stand Push-ups 50 Calorie bike 50 Pull-ups 50 Calorie bike 50 1-arm Dumbbell Snatch,...
WOD Friday 7/20/18

WOD Friday 7/20/18

Fitness at the end of the rainbow. Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD Rainbow On the 3:00 x 7 Rounds (21 Minutes): 21 AbMat Sit-Ups 15 Sand bag squats jumps (35 sand bag, 25 sand bag) 9,8,7,6,5,4,3 Kettle Bell swings (70,53) Round 1 is 9...

WOD Kids & Teens Thursday 7/20/18

Warm-up 10 Sit Ups 10 Spider mans 10 Kipping Swings 10 Inch Worms Push Ups 10 Tuck Jumps 5 Cartwheels 10 Squats 10 Broad Jump  Pre WOD: Push Press & Pull-ups WOD: AMRAP 10 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Press 15 Squats to medball Post: Game Kids Choice…:...