WOD Monday 10/8/18

WOD Monday 10/8/18

Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. Michael Jordan Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD Filthy 50 (Compare from 6/4/18) For time: 50 Box jump (24,20)  50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettle bell swings(35,26) 50 Walking Lunges 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push...
WOD Sunday 10/7/18

WOD Sunday 10/7/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Chosse your lift and prep it. Bench press (BW) Back squat (1.25 BW) Dead lift(1.5 BW) *Scale load as needed. You should be able to do 10 reps with the weight you choose for the WOD. WOD: Criss Cross Ladder...

WOD Kids & Teens 10/5/18

WOD Prep: Max Box Jump WOD: 12 minute clock… 400m Run with remaining time complete as many rounds of… 7 pull ups 7 box jumps 7 goblet squats 10m bear crawl Post WOD: CrossFit...

WOD Saturday 10/6/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements. WOD: Lucky 7 For Time: 1 Mile Run 10 Rounds of 7 Thrusters (75,55) 7 pull-ups 7 Burpees Option 2: 1 Mile Run 10 Rounds of 7 Thrusters (65,45) 7 pull-ups 7 Burpees Option 3: 1 Mile Run 7 Rounds of 7 Thrusters...

WOD Kids & Teens Friday 10/5/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep 1 strict press 1 push press Build to a heavy complex from the floor. 10 1 minute rounds Athlete 1 start at 1 Athlete 2 start at 2 Athlete 1 start at 3 Athlete 2 start at 4 Athlete 1 start at 5 Athlete 2 start at 6 Athlete 1 start...
WOD Free Class Friday 10/5/18

WOD Free Class Friday 10/5/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD: Double Play Teams of 2. 1 partners work while the other rests. AMRAP 20 30 double unders or 60 singles 15 plate ground to over head(45,35) 10 Push-ups Hand release *Scale load as needed. Single athlete on...

WOD Kids & Teens Thursday 10/4/18

Warm-Up 400 m Indian med-ball run 10 Squats Lunge and Twist 10 m 10 Push Ups Toy Soldiers 10 m 10 Sit Ups Forward Rolls 10 m 10 Light Kettle Bell Swing Broad Jumps 10 m WOD prep Pose Running Drills WOD Every 3 Minutes for 4 Rounds Run 200 M 30 Burpees * You should be...