WOD Tuesday 1/8/19

WOD Tuesday 1/8/19

Day 7 nutrition challenge. Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prepPrep the row and bike.WODBiathalon 1000Teams of 44 guys 500 calorie row and 500 calorie bike4 girls 350 calorie row and 350 calorie bike 2 guys/2 girls 425 calorie row and 425 calorie bike 3 guys/1 girl...

WOD Kids & Teens Monday 1/7/19

Warm-Up: When Partner 2 finishes the movements, switch positionsPartner 1 Rows Partner 2 completes the following.10 Plate squat therapy 10 Sit-ups10 Push-ups10 Burpees10 tire jumps WOD prep:1 dead lift 1 hang power clean1 front squat*Build in load to a perfect complex...
WOD Monday 1/7/19

WOD Monday 1/7/19

Day 6 Nutrition Challenge.Warm-Up 100 single unders2 Glute band boxes with 2 squats at every corner.10 banded pull a parts10 Banded good mornings10 Russian KB swings10 dowel pass overs10 Dowel overhead squats10 Hollow rocks10 Superman’s5 Box step ups5 Box...
WOD Sunday 1/6/19

WOD Sunday 1/6/19

Warm-Up 3 rounds8 Alternating DB snatches.10 air squats12/8 calorie row WOD prepEvery 2 minutes for 5 rounds.5 DB bench press10 Double kettle bell front rack reverse lunges. *Go as heavy as possible with good form. WODSky’s the LimitAMRAP 161000 m row40 wall...

Apparel from online store is in!

If you ordered apparel it’s bagged with your name on it and waiting for you on a table in the alcove at CFS. We did order extra items that we will put out for sale in the retail area.
WOD Saturday 1/5/19

WOD Saturday 1/5/19

Day 4 Nutrition challenge! Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prepPrep the movementsWODPower Outage50 strict pull-upsThen10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Clean & jerks (135,95) Burpees over the barbell.Then1 mile run*If biking 160/112 calories*Options for pull-ups.1. Bands2....

WOD Kids & Teens Saturday 1/5/19

Warm-Up 2 Rounds at a Warm Up Pace:Row 100 m10 Plank Ups10 Sit Ups10 Squats10 Toes to Bar10 Tuck Jumps WOD prepDumbbell strict press. Build to a heavy 3 repsKipping Swings WODPartner WOD, Leap Frog Style. Partner 1 does the pull-ups, partner 2 does the strict press,...