WOD Tuesday 2/19/19

WOD Tuesday 2/19/19

Warm-Up: 2 minute row Then 1 round: 10 Plate squat therapy 2 Hip circle boxes, 1 squat at each corner. 10 push-ups 10 ring rows 10 Dowel pass overs 10 Dowel hollow rocks 10 Hollow rocks 10 Dowel super mans 10 Lateral Hops over the rower 10 Banded good mornings WOD...

WOD Kids & Teens Monday 2/19/18

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements. WOD: Tabata Gone Strong Strict Pull-ups Stone to shoulder  Dumbbell reverse lunges Axel bar strict press Max sprints *1 minute rest between tabatas. A tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10...

WOD Monday 2/18/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: 5 sets 1 Dumbbell snatch 1 Dumbbell Turkish get down  1 Dumbbell Turkish get up 1 Dumbbell thruster *Build to a heavy single on each side. WOD: O’ Captain! My Captain!  Option 1 Opens competitive: On the 4:00 x 6...
WOD Sunday 2/17/19

WOD Sunday 2/17/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Tabata Gone Strong 1. Strict Pull-ups unbroken. 2. Stone to shoulder (90,60) 3. Dumbbell reverse lunges(50,35) 4. Axle bar strict press(75,50) 5. Max calorie bike *1 minute rest between tabatas. *A tabata...
WOD Saturday 2/16/19

WOD Saturday 2/16/19

Dave & Heather Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Miss Idaho Teams of 2. 1 person works while the other rests. 140/100 calorie row. 120 Calories guy/girl team. Then 120 Russian KB swings (70,53) 100 Burpee box jump overs (24,20) 80...

WOD Teens Friday 2/15/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Skill-Muscle up transitions, Jumping ring & bar muscle ups and muscle ups. WOD: Opens Competitive: Opens 15.3.   AMRAP 14  7 Muscle-Ups 50 Wall Balls (20,14) 100 Double-Unders *If you are not jumping do...

WOD Friday 2/15/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Skill-Muscle up transitions, Jumping ring & bar muscle ups and muscle ups. WOD: Opens Competitive: 3 rounds for time of Opens 15.3.  Instead of an an AMRAP 14 we have turned it into 3 rounds for time. 7 Muscle-Ups 50...