WOD Thursday 3/28/19

WOD Thursday 3/28/19

Warm-Up: CrossOver Symmetry  WOD prep: Hand stand push-ups and strict pull-up practice WOD: “Helmet Hair” (Courtesy of CFNE) 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups 10 Strict Pull-ups 30m Walking Lunge 20 AbMat Sit-ups Option 2 Performance: 5 Rounds: 5 Box Handstand Push-ups...

WOD Kids & Teens Wednesday 3/27/19

Warm-Up : Mixed Tabata of Sit Ups Push Ups Jumping Squats Toes to Bar Row 500m WOD prep Pull Ups WOD Helen 3 Rounds of Run 400m 21 Kettle Bell Swings 12 Pull Ups Post WOD: Mobility or game coach’s...
WOD Wednesday 3/27/19

WOD Wednesday 3/27/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s WOD prep: Axle bar or trap bar dead lift. 20 minutes to build to a heavy triple. WOD: “OPTIMUS PRIME” Option 1 Opens: AMRAP in 7 minutes Wall Ball Shots (20,14)(10′) 5 Deadlifts (225,155) at the top of each minute *The workout starts with...
WOD Tuesday 3/26/19

WOD Tuesday 3/26/19

Victoria Warm-Up: Coach’s WOD prep: Practice row and burpees 30 seconds for each. This will help determine your numbers for the WOD. WOD: “FORTITUDE” (courage in pain or adversity) compare from 7/22/18 Alternating Minutes for 15 Rounds in 30 minutes Even...

WOD Kids & Teens Monday 3/25/19

Warm-Up Coach’s Choice WOD prep Overhead Walking Lunges Build to a heavy 10 WOD AMRAP 12 10 Overhead plate Lunges 5 right/ 5 left 8 Toe 2 Bar or knees to 90 6 Burpee box jumps at 12 minute mark 200 single unders or 100 double unders Post WOD Game coach’s...
WOD Monday 3/25/19

WOD Monday 3/25/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s WOD prep: Prep the hang clean & Jerk WOD: Brick House From 0:00-15:00: AMRAP in 15 minutes 5 Hang Cleans (95,65) 18 Double-Unders 20 seconds Rest Then, from 15:00-21:00 1 Rep Max Clean-and-Jerk *Scale the load so hang cleans are unbroken....