WOD Saturday 4/27/19

WOD Saturday 4/27/19

Warm-Up: 5 minutes 200-m run 10 air squats 10 Ghd hip extensions WOD prep: 20 minutes Prep the movements: Tools: 1.Dowel, 2. Kettlebell 3. Sandbag 4. Barbell 5. Jump box WOD: Samurai 20 (Starts at the top of the hour) For Time 20 Russian kettlebell swings (70,53) 20...
WOD Friday 4/26/19

WOD Friday 4/26/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Bench press 6 sets on the 2 minutes. 6 sets to build to a heavy 5 reps. WOD: Apple Dumplings Option 1 3 rounds for time 60 Double Unders 400-m run 20 Alterntaing Dumbell snatches(50,35) 10 Wallballs (30,20) Option 2: 3 rounds...

WOD Kids Thursday 4/24/19

Warm-Up 10 Squats 10m Forward Rolls 10 Sit Ups 10m Walking lunges 10 Push Ups 10m Bear Crawl 10 Tuck Jumps 10m Hurdle Over step, Hurdle Under Step WOD prep Prep the movements WOD 3 Rounds for Time 10 Burpees 100 meter Run 10 Air Squats to a med ball 100 meter Run 10...
WOD Thursday 4/25/19

WOD Thursday 4/25/19

Warm-Up: Rolling Game WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Apple Core (6 rotations) (18-1 minute rounds with 1 minute rest between stations) 1 minute max calorie row 1 minute rest 1 minute max calorie bike. 1 minute rest 1 minute ab-mat sit-ups 1 minute rest *Your score...

WOD Kids & Teens Wednesday 4/24/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Pistols, Pull-ups & Push jerks WOD: As a 2-person team AMRAP 15 minutes of: 5 Hand release push-ups 10 Pistols (alternating legs) 5 each leg 5 Pull-Ups 5 Calorie row 5 Push jerks * This team WOD will be done leap frog style:...
WOD Wednesday 4/24/19

WOD Wednesday 4/24/19

Mary & DT Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements and loads of Mary & DT **For DT your load will be detemined by what you can push jerk for 6 unbroken.   WOD: Amrap 12 minutes of: 1 Round of “Mary” 1 Round of...

WOD Kids 4/23/19

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Goblet Squats  5,5,5,5,5 Super set with monkey bar traverses.  Over is 1 back is 2. 5,5,5,5,5 WOD Teams of 2 10 rounds (5 each athlete) 5 Sand bag front squats 20-m sandbag carry Athletes will complete the full round...