Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Prep the movements

Swings and Things
5 rounds:
In 90 seconds complete:
5 KB swings(70,53)
10 Toes to Bar
Max wall balls in remainder of time.(20,14)

Rest 1 Minute between rounds.
*Score is your total wall balls for all 5 rounds.

Option 2:
5 rounds:

In 90 seconds complete:
5 KB swings(53,35)
10 Toes to Bar
Max wall balls in remainder of time.(20,14)
Rest 1 Minute between rounds.

Option 3:
5 rounds:

In 90 seconds complete:
5 KB swings(35,26)
10 Knees to 90
Max wall balls in remainder of time.(14,10)
Rest 1 Minute between rounds.

Post WOD:
100 sledge hammer tire strikes.(50 on each side)