Perform each movement for 10 reps:Jumping Jacks, Push-ups, Flap Jacks, Groiners, Air Squats, Frog Jumps, Sit-ups, Burpees
WOD prep:
Back squat Build to a heavy single in 10 minutes.
Strict press Build to a heavy single in 10 minutes.
Option 1 & 2
Dream Boat
5 Hand release push-ups
10 KB goblet squats (53,35)
15 KB swings (53,35)
Option 3 fitness
5 Hand release push-ups
10 KB goblet squats (35,26)
15 KB Russian swings (35,26)
Scale the KB load so sets remain unbroken.
Post WOD:
Foam Roll IT Bands, Piriformis (Glutes), Adductors to Groin
10 V-sit Rollovers
10 Hip rotations ea. leg (5 ea. way)
10 Groiners each side
10 Frog Jumps
First basemen stretch 1 minute each side.
CFS Brief:
Come join the the CrossFit Synergistics Spartan Team!Boston Sprint – Saturday, May 11th 2019
Charlton, MA
2:00pm start time.
Kids 14 to 17 may participate with an adult.
Below is a link for a Spartan 60% off Groupon as well as the link to sign up for the Spartan race!
(We don’t know how long the Groupon will be active for so act quick!)
Register under the CrossFit Synergistics team for the 2:00 pm start time.
Click here for the 60% off Groupon
Email John with any questions john@cfsyn.com.
We will be having Spartan team training on Saturdays @11:30 am.
CFS will have the following classes on Marathon Monday, 4/15/19
5:30am CrossFit Adults
6:30am CrossFit Adults
4:30pm CrossFit Kids ages 8-11
5:30pm CrossFit Kids ages 12+
4:30pm CrossFit Adults
5:30pm CrossFit Adults
Well…I didn’t get sick at CFS today. After barely working out in the last month…I’m trying to ease back in.
Back squat (1 rep heavy…ish) to 225#
Strict press to 125#
Wod: 6+3 @ 35#
Dream Boat: Back squat 315, strict press 165, 6+6 Rx. Thanks Hanna.
Back Squat: 115 (PR from 105), Strict Press: 70 (PR from 67)
Dream Boat: 6+2, 26# KB
It was nice to have JD back in the box today. We were thankful there was no hurling.
Actually last back squat 1RM was 100.
Liftin’ Stuff with Ilana: 1 Rep Heavy Back Squat: 150#, 1 Rep Heavy Strict Press: 75#
Dream Boat: 6+1 Rx
Another fun morning lifting with Ilana! One day I hope to be as strong as she is 🙂
My goal for the workout was to maintain unbroken sets of goblet squats and KB swings, so I felt good about that. A nice little triplet that hits just about everything. Oh, and tried to leave room on the whiteboard…Thank you Hanna!
Thanks for leaving room on the board Deb.
Dream Boat: #285 back squat, #125 Strict Press. 6+5 RX.
Pocket snatch
5 sets of 3 @115
Front squat 3 reps@ 225
2 drop sets of 3 @ 205
Dream Boat
6+18 rx
Buckeye Crossfit
Columbus, OH
100M run
10 Thrusters
10 Cal Bike
5 rounds @75#
Back squat: 160#
Strict Press: 75#
Dream Boat: 5 Rx
Back Squat: #245. Failed at 265
Strict Press #155
Dream Boat: 6+16 #44.