WOD Tuesday 2/11/20

WOD Tuesday 2/11/20

Saskia Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Strict Press. 15 minutes to build to a heavy triple WOD: BookEnds EMOM 16 (4 rounds) Minute 1 15/10 calorie ski Minute 2 20 Ab-mat sit-ups Minute 3 15/10 calorie ski Minute 4 Rest *Today we are thinking sprint day. We...
WOD Monday 2/10/20

WOD Monday 2/10/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Kettlebell floor press. Build to a heavy 5.  Practice your L-sit pull-ups or your option for the L-sit pull-up.  WOD: Street Sweeper 1000/ 750 m row Then 3 rounds for time: 7 Kettlebell floor press (70,53) 5 strict...
WOD Sunday 2/9/20

WOD Sunday 2/9/20

Deb Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: On the 2 minutes for 7 sets build to a heavy single deadlift. 5,5,3,3,1,1,1 WOD: The Walking Dead or perform a workout you missed this week! AMRAP 15 minutes of: 600m turf un 6 Deadlift, 70% of your heavy single. Post...
WOD Saturday 2/8/20

WOD Saturday 2/8/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: WOD: Face Time AMRAP 30. Teams of 2. 1 athlete works while the other rests. Athletes will alternate through the movements. Athlete 1 does ab-mat sit-ups. Athlete 2 does walking lunges, athlete 1 does air squats, athlete 2...
WOD Friday 2/7/19

WOD Friday 2/7/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Grand Finale 4 rounds for time 1000m row 200m farmers carry(53,35)Dumbbells or kettlebells 30 Medball partner chest passes(20,14) (6ft distance) *Partners will switch every 250m on the row *Partners...
WOD Thursday 2/6/20

WOD Thursday 2/6/20

Tyler Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Strict Gymnastics 3 Sets for Max Reps Max Strict Handstand Push-ups rest 3 minutes between sets. or Strict Press 5,5,5,5,5 *Increasing in weight each set WOD: Hard Rock AMRAP 12 10 Strict Presses (95,65) 25 Double...

WOD Wednesday 2/5/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: The back squat requires the structures of the lower body and core to work synergistically. Optimal performance requires an adequate range of motion at the ankles, hips, and knees; superior lower-body strength; and a...