WOD Monday 4/22/19

WOD Monday 4/22/19

“Learn the mechanics of fundamental movements; establish a consistent pattern of practicing these same movements, and, only then, ratchet up the intensity of workouts incorporating these movements. ‘Mechanics,’ then ‘Consistency,’ and then ‘Intensity’– this is...
Happy Easter & Passover! At home WOD…

Happy Easter & Passover! At home WOD…

Warm-Up: Athletes choice WOD prep: Prep the hop WOD: Death by Bunnie Burpees EMOM ladder  by 1-rep Minute 1- 1 burpee Minute 2- 2 burpee Minute 3- 3 burpee *Continue in this pattern until you fail to complete the number of burpees in the minute. Any CrossFit...

Spartan Training Saturday 4/20/19

5 Rounds 10 Burpees 1 Rope climb or cargo net climb 5 Slam ball toss box climb overs 20 medball overhead walking lunges( 10 each leg) 10 monkey bar climbs or accumulate 1 minute dead hang.  Then 1 mile group sandbag carry (group chooses the...

WOD Kids & Teens Saturday 4/20/19

Warm-Up: Mixed Tabata Have Kids Choose the Moves WOD prep: 5 to 7 “Perfect” movement Relay: Lets review all the movements we have practiced this year. Listen carefully when you get to the cone for which movement the trainer would like you to demonstrate. 8 + ...
WOD Saturday 4/20/19

WOD Saturday 4/20/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Warm-up the movements WOD: Iron Mike 5 rounds of AMRAP 3 3 Thrusters (95,65) 5 Box jumps (24,20) 7 Pull-ups * Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Option 2: 5 rounds of AMRAP 3 3 Thrusters (75,55) 5 Box jumps (24,20) 7 Pull-ups * Rest...

WOD Teens Friday 4/19/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep and practice the movements. WOD: 2 rounds for time 1000 m row 75 double unders or 150 singles 50 Calorie bike or 400 m run you choose 25 Slam balls (AHAP) Post WOD: Agile...