WOD Saturday 12/14/19

WOD Saturday 12/14/19

Kevin Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements. Choose a load for the power clean where you are comfortable cycling 5 reps. WOD: Big Blue Party 4 rounds for time. teams of 2 35 minute cap. 1000/800 m row (900 m guy-girl team) 30 Hang power cleans...

What You Should Eat?

6 WEEK Whole Life Challenge, 7 HABITS, 1 BETTER YOU (Starts Saturday, January 18th) Click here to register for The Whole Life Challenge! (After registration, make sure to join the CrossFit Synergistics Team from your profile so we can all interact online.) –...
WOD Friday 12/13/19

WOD Friday 12/13/19

Nabil Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Jason for time: Team of 2 or 3, AMRAP 30. Divide the reps and calories as you wish.  One person works while the other rests. 13 Burpees 26 Russian KB swings Option 1: (70,53) Option 2: (53,35)...
Demo night for new meal delivery service  – 12/16/19

Demo night for new meal delivery service – 12/16/19

As many of you know Kettlebell Kitchen went out of business and we are looking for a new meal delivery service.  The rep from Nutre Meals will be at CFS Monday, December 16th from 5:00pm on with samples of their offerings. Please let us know how you like their...
WOD Thursday 12/12/19

WOD Thursday 12/12/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the power snatch to the heaviest WOD weight. Practice knees to elbows and toes to bar. *Choose loads for the WOD that will allow getting the reps done in 2 sets or less. *Ask a coach for help with loads for the WOD. ...

WOD Wednesday 12/11/19

Why are back squats so good? According to Mark Rippetoe “The back squat is literally the only exercise in the entire repertoire of weighted human movement that allows the direct training of the complex movement pattern known as a hip drive.” ‘enough said. Back squats...
WOD Tuesday 12/10/19

WOD Tuesday 12/10/19

Chris B   Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Pressing Complex. 12 minutes to build to a heavy double 5 Sets: 1 Push Press 2 Push Jerks WOD: True Grit for time Option 1 (Opens competitive CF): 21-15-9: Push Jerks (135,95) Burpee Box jump overs (24,20) Option...