WOD Monday 10/21/19

WOD Monday 10/21/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the Deadlift to WOD weight. Practice dips and wallballs Option for ring dips: 1. Bar dips 2. Box dips 3. Band assisted rings or box 4. Bar box assisted WOD: 7-UP AMRAP 7 (minute 0-7) 4 Deadlifts Option 1 (225,150) Option 2...

In-House Throwdown! Sign up now!

Join us for our 4th annual In-House Throwdown! It’s always tons of fun! Anyone can do this! Sign up before 10/22 to guarantee yourself a t-shirt or tank. Teams will be announced on Saturday, October 26th.  Click here to see original post! (Original post now...
WOD Sunday Fun Day! 10/20/19

WOD Sunday Fun Day! 10/20/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: With your team: 10 Cal row 10 Cal bike 10 Cal ski WOD: “Sweat Lodge” for time Teams of 2 or 3. 1 person will work while the other(s) rest. 100-80-60-40-20: Calorie Row 20-40-60-80-100: Calorie Bike 100-80-60-40-20: Calorie Ski...

WOD Saturday 10/19/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the Curtis P to WOD weight WOD: AMRAP in 35 minutes Buy-In: 15-12-9 Curtis P’s Opt 1(95,65)Opt 2(75,50)Opt 3(55,40) Burpees over the barbell In the remaining time, AMRAP of: 300 meter Run 27 Air Squats 18 Hand release...

Possible no water at CFS Friday 10/18

As of Friday evening at 9pm there is no water at CFS due to an issue with a crew working on water pipes behind our building.  If you typically shower in the morning please plan accordingly as we do not know when the water will be back on.
Opens WOD 20.2 Friday

Opens WOD 20.2 Friday

Theodore Roosevelt:  “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust...
WOD Thursday 10/17/19

WOD Thursday 10/17/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep your goat and Wheel House or prep the movements for Gotcha WOD: Goat / Wheelhouse Day or “Gotcha” EMOM 20 Odd Minutes Goat: movement Even Minutes: Wheel House movement “Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that...