WOD Monday 7/29/19

WOD Monday 7/29/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Gymnastics As part of your warm-up, complete 25 reps of your worst gymnastics movement: Pull-ups Handstand Push-ups Toes-to-Bar Handstand walking Muscle-ups Kip swings Hollow rocks Time cap: 4-minute It’s OK if you do not finish....
WOD Sunday 7/28/19

WOD Sunday 7/28/19

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep: Choose your lift and prep it. Bench press (BW) Back squat (1.25 BW) Deadlift(1.5 BW) *Scale load as needed. You should be able to do 10 reps with the weight you choose for the WOD. (70 to 75% of 1rm) WOD: Power Run (40-minute...
WOD Saturday 7/27/19

WOD Saturday 7/27/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the clean & Jerk to WOD weight. Practice Toes to Bar WOD: To-and-Fro With a 35 Min clock AMRAP 500m row 15 toes to bar 15 Burpees *Every 7 minutes stop and perform 10 clean & Jerks (155,105) Scale the load so you...
WOD Friday 7/26/19

WOD Friday 7/26/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD: Strength/Conditioning 3 Rounds 10 Back Squats @ 70% of Max 14 Alternating Double Kettlebell Overhead In-place Reverse Lunges *Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds WOD: Inversion 4 Rounds for time (16 min time cap) 20 Dumbbell...
WOD Thursday 7/25/19

WOD Thursday 7/25/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Rope climb practice WOD: Danger Island Teams of 2. 1 person works while the other rest. The next athlete can start when their partner touches the rope. AMRAP 25 10/7 Calorie bike 10 Ab-mat sit-ups 10 Push-ups 1 rope climb or...

Nutrition Coaching at CFS

Get more out of your training with a nutrition plan that fits your needs! The Synergistics Nutrition Coaching Program is for everyone who wants to feel, perform, and look better by creating powerful nutrition habits and better understanding your relationship with...
WOD Wednesday 7/24/19

WOD Wednesday 7/24/19

Becka Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Hang power snatch Take 10 minutes to build to a heavy Double. WOD: Meat Grinder 5 Rounds for time 400 Meter Run 40 Double Unders 10 Hang Power snatches (115,75) *The load you choose for the barbell you should be able to...