WOD Sunday 6/23/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Strength: (25 minutes max time) Barbell bench press 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1 *Climb to a heavy single. The only set you should fail is your last single. Then practice and warm up the burpee pull-up If you don’t have burpee...
WOD Saturday 6/22/19

WOD Saturday 6/22/19

Warm-Up: Agile 8 WOD prep: Prep the clean and thruster to WOD weight. WOD: Vikings For time: Run 1 mile 21 Power cleans (135,95) 15 thrusters (Same) Run 800-m 15 cleans (Same) 12 thrusters (Same) Run 400m 9 cleans (Same) 9 thrusters (Same) Option 2: (95,65) Option 3:...
WOD Friday 6/21/19

WOD Friday 6/21/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the holds and supports WOD: Hold Up For time: Row 500m Accumulate 2-minutes handstand hold Row 500 m Accumulate 2-minute plank hold on hands Row 500 m Accumulate 2-minute support on rings Row 500 m Handstand hold options:...
WOD Thursday 6/20/19

WOD Thursday 6/20/19

Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Weighted strict pull-ups.  Build to a  heavy double. WOD Hellen (Compare from 9/15/17) 3 rounds for time 400m run 21 KB swings (53,35) 12 Pull-ups Pull-ups options: 1. Box bar assisted 3. Ring Rows *Scale kettlebell load as...
WOD  Wednesday 6/19/19

WOD Wednesday 6/19/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Axle bar or trap bar deadlift. 20 minutes to build to a heavy triple. WOD: “OPTIMUS PRIME” Compare from 3/27/19 AMRAP 7 Wall Ball Shots (20,14) 5 Deadlifts (225,155) at the top of each minute *The workout starts with wall ball...
WOD Tuesday 6/18/19

WOD Tuesday 6/18/19

Warm-Up: 200m run 250m row 10 air squats 10 Hand release push-ups 10 Cossack squats WOD prep: Double Kettlebell Clean Practice.  Build to WOD weight. WOD: Ramen Noodles AMRAP 21 400 Meter Run 5 KB or DB Dual Hang Power Cleans (53,35) 10 KB or DB Alternating Push...