Congratulations to Rebecka Fillion , September Athlete of The Month! Let’s get to know Rebecka a little better with some questions below.
When and how did you get started with us? I started at CFS in September 2016. I had just recently got a new job and couldn’t do the class times at my old gym. After testing out a few places, I loved my first drop-in with the wonderful 5:30am-ers that I couldn’t say no!
What is your biggest accomplishment since joining CFS? I would probably have to say my form and technique. I started with a lot of skills already in my pocket (snatch, double unders, pull-ups, etc.), but my form was lacking a bit. The coaches here are so amazing at correcting form, giving tips, and making sure you’re being safe. Or maybe my endurance? I ran the Boston Marathon this year…and I am definitely, by no means, a good runner. But CrossFit helped with my cardiovascular endurance, because it was never an issue during training.
What is your favorite CrossFit movement? Heavy squat cleans 🙂 Just not in a Metcon
What is your advice to new folks? Don’t get caught up in the weights or what others are doing around you. Everyone is different, has different goals, and different backgrounds. Focus on the technique and the heavier weight will come naturally. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also, have fun because everyone at CFS is amazing and fun to be around!
What is your go to Emoji? Either 😂 or 🐶. I’m always cracking jokes or talking about my dog so I think those are fitting.
What is something you have always wanted to do but haven’t gotten around to yet? Traveling. I’m a homebody so traveling is out of my comfort zone, but I think experiencing other cultures (especially the food, duh!) is important and would be really fun!
What is your favorite home cooked meal and who would prepare the meal? I love taking a bunch of things and mixing it all up in a bowl, like a stir fry. Chicken, huge variety of veggies, over rice. Simple and so versatile depending on sauces and/or spices. I really enjoy cooking so it’s probably something I would make myself.
What is the maddest your mom has ever been at you and why? I had to ask her for this one. She said the time I tried to plan a party when she went away. So here’s the story…I was home from college, probably 19 or 20 yrs old, and I invited a few (maybe 5-10) of my friends from NH/college. Mom found my messages and the plans were quickly cancelled…
What is your favorite holiday and why? Thanksgiving…obviously for the food.
What was your favorite TV show as a kid? Had to get my older brother’s input on this one. I’d say it depends on what age. As a young kid/toddler, I was super into Barney. Sang along to the songs, and had a plush Barney doll I wanted to bring everywhere (PS, I still have it). Being born in ‘92 that was kinda the thing to watch. When I grew out of Barney, I remember watching Degrassi or anything on Nickelodeon especially Rugrats.
What is your favorite movie of all time? Oooo, that’s tough. I really can’t decide on one, but the first three that popped in my head are Dirty Dancing, Forrest Gump, and V for Vendetta.
What is something most people would not know about you? I’m obsessed with my dog. Just kidding, everyone knows that about me. Actually, I was a cheerleader from 4th to 12th grade. I feel like most people can’t picture me as a cheerleader, but it’s true!! Teased ponytails, crazy makeup, and absurd facial expressions! Once I mention that I was typically the girl out at the bottom, throwing the little ones in the air, it begins to make sense.
Thanks for sharing Rebecka!
Yeah Becka! 5:30 representing! Congratulations. And everyone needs to also remember…Becka is our resident suture remover too!
Way to go Becka! Well deserved and proud of all you’ve accomplished for such a young pup (and yes, that was intentional!)
Yay!! Congratulations and so very well-deserved! I remember the day you came in to try out CFS and I was very happy when you came back! I love working out in the same room as you and watching what’s you can do. Oh, and you make me laugh all the time (I am assuming you are not laughing AT me…)
Well if it’s not Ken Earley, then Becka is a fantastic choice. Well
deserved! Congratulations on this great achievement …. reading your answers shows that becoming AOM can help erase a ton of bad or embarrassing memories due to the sheer joy being named AOM brings. I did Murph next to Becka this year and she crushed it, even though I’d didn’t have heavy squat cleans in it. Way to go! 🐶💪🏻
Congratulations Becka!!!
Way to gonBecka!!!!! Welcome to the club!!! 😀😀
Way to go Becka!!!!! Welcome to the club!!! 😀😀
Yay Becka!! Totally deserved! 5:30 wouldn’t be the same without you!