Coach’s choice
Pre WOD prep:
20 minutes to build to a heavy complex.
1 Snatch grip deadlift
1 Hang power snatch
1 overhead squat
Option 1 & 2
3 Power Snatches (75,55)
3 Box Jumps (24,20)
6 Power Snatches (75,55)
6 Box Jumps (24,20)
9 Power Snatches (75,55)
9 Box Jumps (24,20)
*Increasing each round by 3 reps on each movement.
*If you are newer to these movements spend the 20 minutes practicing with a PVC pipe or empty barbell.
Option 3 Load:
Post WOD:
Lax ball scaps. 2 minutes per side.
CFS Brief:
*Save the date and get ready for Marathon Monday Barbecue Event, April 20th, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Put together your team of 3 to 6 people.
Complete 26.2 miles in 4 events. Barbecue to follow the event.
Row 6.55 miles or 10,542 meters
Ski 6.55 miles or 10,542 meters
Bike 6.55 miles or 10.54km
Run 6.55 miles or 10,542 meters = (26) 400m runs
Divide the row, ski, bike and run as you wish.
*More details to follow in the upcoming weeks for the Marathon Monday Barbecue Event.
Felt like a new member today…everyone was so welcoming and nice! I had to take it easy on weight and effort but I was glad nobody mocked my training bar or my extra rests.
Prep to 75# (def more in the tank but staying smart)
WOD: 126 reps (finished round of 18) @ 45#
Complex to 75#
WZAOC Qualifier 16.4: 15+3 (93 Reps) Rx
Fun doing the complex with Ilana this morning – she kept me very honest on my squat depth, which I appreciate 🙂 Need to continue to work on being more aggressive…or should I say I NEED TO CONTINUE TO WORK ON BEING MORE AGGRESSIVE!!!
Welcome to our newest member JD 😉 Good workout and tried to keep it moving in solid sets. Thanks for the cues Frozen – I always love the feedback!
Complex 145
WOD 122 rx
Complex- 155
WOD- 137 rx