
Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Prep the movements

Five 4 minute rounds
10 Strict press (95,65)
20/14 calorie row
10 Burpees over the bar

*Your score is your slowest time in any of the 5 rounds.

Option 2:
Five 4 minute rounds
10 Strict press (75,50)
20/14 calorie row
10 Burpees over the bar

Option 3:
Five 4 minute rounds
10 Strict press (55,35)
15/10 calorie row
10 Burpees over the bar

Endurance & Stamina
Row 10,000m for time. 

CFS Brief:
Day 12 of 21 Day Nutrition Challenge.

Memorial Day Weekend Schedule.
Friday, 5/25 – Regular schedule
Saturday, 5/26 –  No 6:30am adult class.  Regular schedule 7:30am on.
Sunday, 5/27 – No 7:30am class.  Regular schedule 8:30am adult and 9:30am adult CrossFit classes.
Memorial Day, 5/28 – 8:00am and 9:30am adullt CrossFit.  Bootcamp members can come to either CrossFit classes.
(No kids classes on 5/28)