Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Prep the movements
Magic Beans
Teams of 2 a partner.
5 six minute rounds. 29 total minutes. 1 athlete works while the other rests. Divide the time how ever you like. The total reps for each round is your score.
1 min Wall balls(20,14)
1 min Toes to bar or sit-ups.
1 min Box jumps(24,20)
1 min Push presses(75,50)
1 min Calorie row
1 minute rest
*Scale loads as needed.
Endurance & Stamina
9 x 1 min 40 sec / 20 sec easy with a longer 2 min rest at the halfway point.
Row nine intervals of 1 minute 40 seconds, with 20 seconds of rest in between each piece with the exception of 2 minutes of rest after the fifth interval.
CFS Brief:
Free class Friday May 4th.
May 7th – May 27th: Memorial Day Partner Nutrition Challenge.
*Spartan Race Saturday May 12th 2:30pm heat. Here is the link to sign up. The team name is CrossFit Synergistics and the race password to sign in is “race2018”. Use any of these codes for a discount. “racenow10 or “spartan30” or athlinks2018. https:/
Kettlebell Kitchen is an easy & convenient way to clean up your nutrition and reap all the benefits that come from clean eating. KBK offers a variety of meal plans for things like Sport Performance, Fat Loss, Pure Paleo, Muscle Gain and more! The order cutoffs are:
Wednesday evening by midnight for Sunday delivery
Saturday evening by midnight for Wednesday delivery
(deliveries will be made late at night so plan on pick up for Monday and Thursday)
Go to and click on LOGIN in the upper right corner. One the next screen on the right side click on Create an Account Here. On the next screen when it asks for your zip code enter CFS’s zip code which is 01721. This is your delivery location. You will be asked if you want home or gym delivery but keep in mind there is an extra fee to have the meals delivered to your home as they come via FedEx. When asked what gym, start typing CrossFit Synergistics and our gym will pop up.
Partner wod JD and MJ (Team Marky John)…lots of scales…15# wall ball…abmats for me…some ttb for MJ…20” box jumps…65# STOH.
701 reps. A nice sweaty workout. The rest minutes seemed to get shorter and shorter each round.
Magic Beans: “The Dottirs”: 627 Total Reps
I could have used some magic beans before adding things up this morning, instead of writing the total per movement, we added the total reps per round, which is why things look so consistent 🙂 So, if someone wants to correct the board, here are the revised numbers:
WallBalls (Becka Rx|Deb 10#): 139
Toes To Bar Rx: 131
Box Jumps Rx: 134
Shoulder to Overhead Rx: 153
Row Rx: 70
The total is still accurate. I should have had more cupcakes this morning. Celebrating early birthdays due to the paleo challenge next (did not want to sabotage anyone) with cupcakes – Happy early Birthday to my nearly birthday twin Hanna!
If anyone is seeking strategy, we went with sets versus time (i.e., each does :30) in each round and one of us rowed the entire minute instead of trying to transition. For us, it worked really well. Fun workout!!
Team BIg Guys. Maulik and JL. Great workout! 14# WB. #65 press. K290. 715 I think. I had a hard time adding afterwards and Maulik took over and I just saw the total on the board. Box jumps slowed me down but I found far less intimidation when starting them. Now just have to get rid of the BOOM every time I land. Was going to scale presses with DB but went with bar anyway. I’m still not well corrdinated using legs for a push so it was basically a strict press for me. No more shoulder work for next two days. We did the same rowing strat as Deb and Becka to eliminate transition time.
Team PuckOff
Reps – A lot