Coach’s choice

WOD prep: Prep movements

With a running clock
AMRAP in 20 minutes
Cash In:
100 meter Farmers Carry (70,53)
Then, AMRAP of:
5 Bear Complexes (135,95)
10 Bar Over Burpees
200m run

Finally, @ the 20-minute mark Cash Out:
100 meter Farmer’s Carry (70,53)

* There will be 2 scores for this WOD.  Rounds plus reps for the triplet and your time after the 100 m farmers carry cash-out. 

1 bear complex consists of 1 power clean, 1 front squat, 1 push press, 1 back squat, and 1 push press.

Post WOD:

CFS Brief:

4th of July schedule: 1 class at 8:00am