Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Farmers Carry – Build to WOD Weight
Teams of 3 or 4
4 Station Rotation
4 Rounds
1 Minute Work
20 Seconds Rest
1- Farmers Carry (45s, 35s)
2- Box Sled Pushes (2 x 70 KBS, 2 x 53 KBS)
3- Row (cals)
4- Slam balls (20,15)
5- Rest
Farmers Carry and Box Sled Pushes will be scored in 10 M increments
Post WOD
Banded Hamstring Stretch 2 minutes per side.
Slammin’ the Farmer’s Sled with a Row: 138 Total Reps
Farmers Carry Rx: 13
Sled Push Rx: 8
Row for Calories: 46
Slam Ball (30#): 71
Fun time with Gia, Linda and Kim!
A. Build to 3RM front squat – 175#…then
B. 2 sets of max back squats at front squat weight (A)…12 and 12 reps…then
C. AMRAP 5… of 6 front rack lunges (115/75)…I did 95#…6 TTB…6 burpees. Got 3+13…then rest 3 min and…
D. Do work above (3+13) for time (4:57)
Lots of work today and great coaching at Crossfit Golden Gate. Great hang with Ilana and the Liebermans at the 6am class.
Farmers Carry 21rx
Sled 17rx
Row 70
Slam 58 #40
Total: 166
Farmers carry 19
Sled push 16
Row 63
Slam ball 77
Total 175