30 calorie team bike and squat.
10 Team reverse med-ball squat toss.
10 spider man turnouts
5 sledge hammer hits each
10 quad grabs
10 heal toe grabs
2 tire flips each
20m sled push
WOD prep
Prep the movements
Teams of 4 or 5 Divide the work as you like.
1 person works while the other rests. Except for tire flips and sled push pull.
*Teams must hold a stone for the entire WOD (90,50) The stone cannot touch the ground at any time during the 30 minutes. Penalty is 10 burpees for everyone on the team if the stone is put down.
Station one- 5 minute Max Calorie Bike
Station two- 5 Minutes Max tire flips. 2 athletes can flip the tire.
Station three- 5 Minute Max sledge hammer hits
Station four- 5 Minutes Max 20m sled push and pull (3 reds plates) (2 athletes work.)
Station Five- 5 Minutes Max Slam balls
Station Six – 5 Minutes slam ball reverse toss over the rig.
*Send one athlete ahead towards the end of the 5 minutes
*Scale loads as needed
Post WOD
Foam roll
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