4 Station Relay: Set up four cones in a diamond pattern. Divide class into 4 groups and line them up behind each of the four cones. The first player in line at cones 1 and 3 start with a baton. On “Go”, players holding the baton run and hand off to the player at the next cone before going to the end of that line. The batons and players advance around the cones until one baton catches the other or time is called. You can vary methods of traveling between cones (skip, bear crawl, backpedal, etc). With a smaller group, you can divide the class in half at cones 1 and 3 and have them run past cones 2 and 4 on their way to the other side.

WOD prep

Press Down the Ground: Using a blue mat. One at a time, athletes kick up or walk up into a handstand position at the wall. Trainer holds athletes ankles as needed to provide assistance for safe lowering to the top of the head and pressing back up into a handstand. Focus on holding a hollow position while pressing.

Russian Kettle Bell Swings

Air Squats
*Perform a 40m KB farmers carry after each set of squats.

Post WOD
Game coaches choice