2 rounds
7/10 cal row
5 medball squats
10 Russian swings(Increase weight round 2)
10 box step ups(round 2 5 box jumps)
5 Barbell or dumbbell push press 

WOD prep
Prep the movements

WOD (This will be done in 2 heats)
3 rounds 1 minute rest between rounds
CFS Fight Gone Bad
1 minute of wall balls
1 minute of russian KB swings
1 minute of box jumps
1 minute of Push press
1 minute of max cal row
*Score your total reps for each round.
*Scale to 10 to 15 reps per minute if needed.

Kids 8-10
8-10 reps per minute
5 cals on the row

Post WOD