5m Line hop -> 5m Crab walk\n\nWOD prep\n\nDumbell hang power clean\n \n\nWOD\nAMRAP 16\nTeams of 2. 1 athlete completes a full round while the other completes 20 ab-mat sit-ups. Then switch. \n6 DB Hang power cleans\n\n8 Box jump overs\n\n10/7 Calorie row\n\nPost Wod\nGame coaches choice\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPost WOD\n"}” data-sheets-userformat=”{"2":13187,"3":[null,0],"4":[null,2,16777215],"10":0,"11":4,"12":0,"15":"arial,sans,sans-serif","16":18}”>WOD
Teams of 2. 1 athlete completes a full round while the other completes 20 ab-mat sit-ups. Then switch.
6 DB Hang power cleans
8 Box jump overs
10/7 Calorie row

Post Wod
Max hang time from rig.