Farmers and Lumberjacks:

WOD prep skill
Balance While Walking: Have athletes practice walking along a line on the floor foot in front of foot without falling. If they are able to practice balancing on the line a few times without falling, lay out a long rope and have them try balancing while slightly elevated. Give each athlete at least one chance to balance along the rope.

6 Monkey Hangs
DB Weighted Lunge Steps 10m
6 Burpees
DB Overhead Carry 10m

*Make sure that dumbbell weight chosen can be used for both traveling movements for the athlete.

Post WOD: Game
Red Light, Green Light
The children line up about 15 feet away from the person who will be calling out “Red Light!” “Green Light!” The caller will designate the movement for the group, crab walk, bear crawl, lunge or walk. The caller will then turn and face away from the line of players and say “Green Light!” The children can move forward until the caller says “Red Light!” and turns around quickly. If one or more children keep moving and are caught by the caller, they are out. The players start moving again when the caller turns back around and says “Green Light!” The caller wins if all the kids are out before anyone is able to touch him/her. Otherwise, the first player to touch the caller wins the game and earns the right to be the caller for the next game. Make sure the players understand that no running is allowed.