Day 6 Nutrition Challenge.

100 single unders
2 Glute band boxes with 2 squats at every corner.
10 banded pull a parts
10 Banded good mornings
10 Russian KB swings
10 dowel pass overs
10 Dowel overhead squats
10 Hollow rocks
10 Superman’s
5 Box step ups
5 Box jumps
10 Pull-ups or ring rows
10 Push-ups

WOD prep
Prep the Barbell movements

Bar Crawl for Time
20 Dead lifts (225,150)
20 Russian Kettle-bell Swings (70,53)
20 Overhead Squats (115,75)
20 STOH (115,75)
20 Chest to bar Pull-Ups
20 Box Jumps (24,20)
20 Squat Cleans (115,75)
*Perform 50 Double unders after each movement. The WOD ends with 50 double unders.

Options for double unders:
Singles x 2
Singles x 1
*If not jumping rope perform 15/10 Calories on the bike or 10 burpees you choose. Newer to CrossFit Perform 10/7 Calories on the bike or 5 burpees you choose.
*Scale load as needed.
*Perform overhead squats with dowel if needed.
*Perform dead lifts with trap bars or kettle bells if needed.

Options for Pull-ups:
Regular pull-ups
Bar Box assisted
Ring rows

Post WOD:
Overhead banded distraction.

CFS Brief:
Day 6 Prep week Nutrition challenge.  
Concept 7– 
By Mark Sisson
Exercise is Ineffective for Weight Management
Exercise is healthy. Exercise is necessary for lasting wellness. Exercise builds muscle and exerts beneficial effects on hormone expression and function. Exercise gets you strong, gets you fit, and keeps you young. I like exercise; I do some form of it every single day, and I recommend that you do the same. But exercise alone is highly ineffective for weight management. For it to truly help manage your weight, exercise must be paired with a healthy eating plan, adequate sleep, effective stress management, ample sun exposure, and healthy amounts of social contact with friends, family, and loved ones. Sure, some people take exercise to the extreme, training for hours and hours on end, all in the quest to burn a few hundred more calories, to “make up for” those donuts at breakfast, to eradicate those love handles. And if you go long enough and hard enough, yeah, you’ll “burn calories.” But at what cost? Exercise is a stressor, after all. Maintained at a chronic, extreme pace and frequency, exercise becomes a chronic stressor that does more harm than good. It makes you hungry. It increases systemic and local inflammation. It depresses your immune system. It fatigues you, leading to less activity throughout the day. You’ll eventually and inevitably burn out unless you eat a massive amount of calories to make up for all that you’ve lost, and, at that point, you’re back at square one.

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet and poor lifestyle.