Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. Michael Jordan

Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Prep the movements

Filthy 50 (Compare from 6/4/18)
For time:
50 Box jump (24,20) 
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettle bell swings(35,26)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (45,30)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall balls(20,14)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Rep options:
1. 40
2. 35
3. 25

Scale for Knees to elbows:
1. Knees to 90
2 Ab-mat sit-ups

Post WOD
Foam roll for 5 minutes.

Indurance & Stamina:
3 x 1000m / 2 min easy
Row three 1000 meter pieces. Row for two minutes at light pressure between each 1000. 

CFS Brief:
*30 Day Fall Partner Nutrition Challenge
Day 15

*In-house Throwdown Saturday, 11/3/18
Registration opens at 7:30am.  Athlete’s meeting at 8:00am.  First heat goes off at 8:30am.
Teams of 2 either male/male or female/female with RX and Scaled Divisions
Cost per athlete is $29 (includes t-shirt for men and tank top for women – please specify shirt size when registering)
Athletes will register and list their division, RX or Scaled. (Please see the criteria below.) The coaching staff will then pair up the teams accordingly. 

Click here to register for this event

Click here to volunteer for this event

*Save the date,  CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 15th 7pm to 12pm. Sky Box in Natick.