Coach’s choice

WOD prep
EMOM 10 skill work. Pick 2 skills you would like to practice
Minute 1: skill 1
Minute 2: skill 2
* You should have 30 seconds rest between skills

Deck of Cards
Alternate movements each card.
Russian KB swings
Ab-mat sit-ups

Face cards = 10 reps

Jokers = 250/200 m row

Go through the whole deck.

Random arrangement.

This is designed to be a FUN WOD. Don’t stress!!

1 minute cap per card.

CFS Brief:
Thanksgiving Day, 11/22 we will offer the following schedule:
7:00am – Adult CrossFit
8:30am – Adult CrossFit
Please sign in upon arrival.
**There will be no kids class on 11/22

Friday, 11/23 we will offer the following schedule:
8:00am  – 12:30pm      Wodsgiving Open Box
This open box will be structured with 4 WODs.  Athletes can come whenever they like and do as many WODs as they want!  WODs will start at approximately 8:30am, 9:30am, 10:30am and 11:30am.  Start times may shift slightly due to the number of athletes and possible multiple heats.  Athletes will warm up on their own. Please arrive early and warm-up properly.  WODs will be posted by 11/22.  
Please sign in upon arrival.  

1:00pm – Kids & Teens Class Ages 12+

*Save the date, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 15th 7pm to 12pm. Skybokx 109 in Natick.