Coach’s choice

WOD prep
10 minutes to build to a heavy clean and Jerk.  Practice jump rope between sets.

“Double Crossed”
For Time:
Clean and Jerks (115,80)
30 Double Unders After Each Set

Option 2:
For Time:
Clean and Jerks (95,65)
30 Double Unders After Each Set

Option 3:
For Time:
Clean and Jerks (75,55)
60 Single Unders After Each Set

Indurance & Stamina:
5000m with rate changes every 1000m: 22-24-26-28-24
Row for a total of 5000 meters at a sustainable intensity, varying your stroke rate as follows: row 1000 meters @ 22 spm, 1000 meters @ 24 spm, 1000 meters @ 26 spm, 1000 meters @ 28 spm, and 1000 meters @ 24 spm. 

CFS Brief:

Bringing Common Sense Back to Health Care talk with Mary A. Medeiros, MD, MPH.
Thursday June 28th 6:45pm to 7:45pm.
“I can’t even count the number of healthy people I’ve met who are spending ridiculous amounts of money every year for health care coverage they never use.” -MM

Mary A. Medeiros, MD, MPH, practices General Internal Medicine in a cutting-edge model known as Direct Primary Care (DPC) at Thrive Adult Primary Care in Franklin, MA (www.thriveapc.com).  In addition to making personalized and accessible primary care affordable to the everyday person, DPC represents a grassroots movement that promotes bringing price transparency to health care delivery.  In her presentation, Dr. Medeiros will explain how healthy people can deeply reduce costs while enjoying streamlined and attentive physician access.

Day 15 of 21 Day Nutrition Challenge.

Memorial Day Weekend Schedule.
Friday, 5/25 – Regular schedule
Saturday, 5/26 –  No 6:30am adult class.  Regular schedule 7:30am on.
Sunday, 5/27 – No 7:30am class.  Regular schedule 8:30am adult and 9:30am adult CrossFit classes.
Memorial Day, 5/28 – 8:00am and 9:30am adullt CrossFit.  Bootcamp members can come to either CrossFit classes.
(No kids classes on 5/28)