Bryan @ The Carnival of Fitness!
Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Prep the the dead lift to WOD weight.
Two Seater
Teams of 2. 1 person works while the other rests. Team mates complete full rounds.
5 Dead lifts (275,180)
10 Push-Ups
15/10 cal bike.
Rx plus (315,205)
Option 2:
5 Dead lifts (225,150)
10 Push-Ups
15/10 cal bike.
Opyion 3:
5 Dead lifts (135,95)
10 box or knee push-ups
15/10 cal bike.
*Scale load as needed.
Endurance & Stamina
Run 5k
CFS Brief:
Day 1 of 21 day challenge.
*Spartan Race Saturday May 12th 2:30pm heat. Here is the link to sign up. The team name is CrossFit Synergistics and the race password to sign in is “race2018”. Use any of these codes for a discount. “racenow10 or “spartan30” or athlinks2018. https:/
Kettlebell Kitchen is an easy & convenient way to clean up your nutrition and reap all the benefits that come from clean eating. KBK offers a variety of meal plans for things like Sport Performance, Fat Loss, Pure Paleo, Muscle Gain and more! The order cutoffs are:
Wednesday evening by midnight for Sunday delivery
Saturday evening by midnight for Wednesday delivery
(deliveries will be made late at night so plan on pick up for Monday and Thursday)
Team MJ. Matt & John. 24rds +15. #275. Wow. A lot more cardio WO than I anticipated. Around 12 mins I had to move to knee pushups. Matt did a great job pushing me through it all. My DLs were a bit ragged toward the end. But it’s my moms 94th BD. A little extra effort and hard work in her honor for raising the rebel of the family was worth pushing to the limit today.
Two-Seater – The Dottirs: 21+17 Becka Rx|Deb. 150#
Buckle up for this one as it is long and will test everything you have. For me, the bike was definitely the most difficult, but watching Matt and John next to me bang out 15 calories before I barely got ON the bike kept me entertained. I kept my push up sets at 10 and held that pretty well. The DL was challenging and those things do get heavy as the rounds go on. As always, a lot of energy in the box at 5:30am and even the 6:30am class seemed to bring their own little style this morning. Happy birthday to your mom JL! You did great in the WOD and on those deadlifts 🙂
Thanks – much appreciated! Agree on the challenge of this WOD, goes on for a long time. Feeling it in the legs as day progresses.
JD and the Boss…23+10…JD at 185# and the boss at 150#.
Exhausting workout but really glad we came for the noon after a 4.5 hour drive from NJ. Made everything we ate and drank this weekend a little more acceptable.
Fun working out with my hubby – but I’ll take a little more negative approach than he did! Possibly this WOD served as a PUNISHMENT for everything we ate and drank this weekend! When the clock said 12 minutes, and my push-ups were at three sets (silly – like 7,2,1!), and the bike felt interminable, I was certain I was serving my punishment! Bring on the nutrition challenge 😊!
Two Seater: The Gimps: 19 even (Jackie 125# DL/Tracey 55# DL)
My steady Jackie and I work well together on these partner workouts. I wasn’t sure I could even do DLs but I went light and they went fine. My push-ups were strong for almost all 9 sets – woot woot! Jackie got some great tips from John and her push-ups were rocking! The bike was my challenge today too – I was most often on at the same time as Becka although she was on and off before I hit 2 cals! 30 minutes was a long time.
Happy BD to your mom, John! That’s an achievement to celebrate! And great job to our first timer, Carolina! Not an easy first workout but she did great!
Two seater:
Tinman (Roland) + Puckhead (Jeff) = Team TinPuck
26 + 11 #225