Coach’s choice

WOD prep
15 minutes to buid to a heavy complex:
1 Hang clean from pockets
1 Hang clean from mid thigh (one second pause)
1 Hang clean from above knee(one second pause)
1 Strict press
1 Push press


One Eyed Jacks

For time
3 rounds
400m run
20 Hang power cleans (95,65)
20 Push press(Same)

Option 2:
3 rounds for time
400m run
20 Hang power cleans(75,50)
20 Push press(Same)

Option 3:
3 rounds for time
400m run
10 Hang power cleans(45,30)
10 Push press(Same)

Post WOD
Banded over head distraction 2 minutes per side.