Coach’s choice
Pre WOD:
Build to a heavy complex
1 Power clean
1 Squat clean
Elizabeth is a classic benchmark that should be completed relatively quickly. It can be performed with either squat cleans or power cleans. Decide which technique you’ll use before you start, then stick with it. Go lighter on the cleans and modify the ring dips so you can complete the work in fewer than 10 minutes.
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Cleans (135,95)
Ring dips
Option 2:
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Cleans (115,75)
Ring dips
Option 3:
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Cleans (75,55)
Post WOD:
Couch stretch 2 minutes per side.
Indurance & Stamina:
Even minute 50 double unders
Odd minute 10 burpees
CFS Brief:
Bringing Common Sense Back to Health Care talk with Mary A. Medeiros, MD, MPH.
Thursday, June 28th 6:45pm to 7:45pm.
“I can’t even count the number of healthy people I’ve met who are spending ridiculous amounts of money every year for health care coverage they never use.” -MM
Mary A. Medeiros, MD, MPH, practices General Internal Medicine in a cutting-edge model known as Direct Primary Care (DPC) at Thrive Adult Primary Care in Franklin, MA (www.thriveapc.com). In addition to making personalized and accessible primary care affordable to the everyday person, DPC represents a grassroots movement that promotes bringing price transparency to health care delivery. In her presentation, Dr. Medeiros will explain how healthy people can deeply reduce costs while enjoying streamlined and attentive physician access.
Elizabeth: 7:06 | 40# power clean, banded bar dips
Did a 70# max power clean, previous was 50 so a nice PR for the day. The new knee is definitely helping me with my confidence with more weight.
Speed Bowling at the “Frozen Lanes”! Lots of fun with the 5:30 crew!
Heavy Complex: 90#
Elizabeth: 10:15 75# Power Clean | Ring Dips
Previous: 9:45 45# Power Clean | Red Band Ring Dips
This one got me thinking a little too much 🙂 Broke up the cleans and the dips into manageable sets and just tried to keep moving along. Saw the clock tick closer and closer to the 10 minute mark and still had a few dips left to do. Felt like I chose the right weight and glad I kept to doing all of the dips.
Deb – 30# increase on your cleans and no assist on your ring dips – wow, wow, wow! As always you inspire me. All of your hard work shows in these results! Great job!
And yes, bowling at Frozen Lanes was a fun way to start the day!
Thanks! I guess this whole Crossfit thing really works 🙂 Nice job to you for coming back and getting after all of the lifts and other movements that rely on your knees – that is huge! You and John were quite expert and re-setting pins for the 6:30 class!!
Yes I think this Crossfit thing really does work! I don’t think I would have been able to come back this quickly without having CF in my back pocket for the past year. It took me 6 months to get to a bootcamp class after the first knee. I’m still working on some things but I’m not even at 4 months yet and I feel great!
9:28rx the squat cleans were the challenge!
Complex: 195
Elizabeth: 9:44 RX
Before I came in I didn’t think I’d be able to handle RX, thanks for the push Alex!