Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Back Squat
20 minutes to build to a heavy 5.
Ladder up by 2
2 Front Squats (155, 105)
2 Ring dips
and so on…
*Scale load of front squats as needed.
Options for ring dips.
1. Bands
2. Bars
3. Ring push-ups
4. Push-ups
Post WOD
Roll quads for 4 minutes
Back Squat: 135, 165, 195, 215 (PR) for 5. Previous 5 was 205#
WOD: 67 @ 115# (through the round of 10 + 7 front squats)
Back Squat: 85# – 140#
WOD: 93 reps (85#/red band)
Back Squat – 115#
Groot – 70 Reps | 70# Front Squat | 1 Strict Ring Dip per round and the balance of dips with the red band
Thanks for the feedback today John!
Heavy 5 backsquat– 145#
WOD: 40 reps RX
Front squat was heavy after doing all the back squats. And I just started getting ring dips recently so those were slow. But I wanted to focus on strength today instead of volume.
Achievement: Excited to get 5 strict pull-ups before class started
295# Back Squat
60 reps w/ ring push ups
Strength: 215# Backsquat
WOD: 72 Reps RX
BS – 225#
Groot – 66 rx
Back Squat: 95# Not too heavy since I am still nursing an injury
Groot: 83 Front Squat off the rack 65#
Push ups instead of ring dips
Stairs are my nemesis right now.