Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Push jerk. Build to a heavy 3 from the floor.

Tiger Blood
3 Rounds for Time
10 Clean-and-Jerks (135,95)
400 meter Run

*Strategy: In workouts that last more than a few minutes, pacing and strategy does make a significant difference in improving times. In roughly a ten minute workout, barbell strategies will differ, but one thing can remain the same. That is limiting the amount of time not moving. It is ok to do singles on the barbell, but aim to complete a fast set of ten singles. If chipping away at the barbell in sets, make sure the time between sets is minimal. This short rest also applies to transitions from the run to the barbell. On the runs, athletes can move at a pace that allows them to maintain their plan on the barbell once back inside. With the workout ending on a run, look to make the last one the best effort of the three.

Option 2:
3 Rounds for Time
10 Clean-and-Jerks (95,65)
400 meter Run

Option 3:
3 Rounds for Time
10 Clean-and-Jerks (75,50)
400 meter Run

Post WOD:
Banded overhead distraction 2 minutes each side.

Endurance & Stamina
5 x 750m / 2 min easy
Row five 750 meter pieces. Row for two minutes at light pressure between each 750.