Coach’s choice
WOD prep
5,5,5,5,5 DB Bulgarian split squats. Climb to a heavy set.
KB Thrusters (35,26)
Option 2:
KB Thrusters (26,18)
Option 3:
KB Thrusters (18,13)
Post WOD
Couch stretch 2 minutes per side.
Bulgarian Split Squats: 26# (Right) | 35# (Left)
WOD: 13:57 18#KB
Remember those front rack lunges we did on Saturday? I do.
Bulgarian split squats didn’t feel great on my knee, so I stopped after 1 set at 26#.
WOD: 9:38 with 26# kettle bells.
Bulgarian split squat 26# (super hard!)
WOD 10:35Rx
Bulgarian split squats: 26,26,40,35,35
WOD: 13:14 RX
I probably should have done a lower weight kettle bell. Definitely took some breaks with the thrusters!
The 40# Bulgarian split squat is a typo! It should say 30…
Bulgarian: 62#
WOD: 11:17 w/26# KB
44# KB Bulgarian split squat
WOD– 11:42 RX
That workout was a lot tougher than it looked on paper. Anything overhead is a weakness for me, and those 26# KB thrusters got heavy fast! Glad I went heavy & challenged myself though.
10:34 rx
26# Bulgarian thing. I felt like an injured baby giraffe doing them.
11:20 26# 2-12 burpees.
Bulgarian Split Squat: 53#
WOD: 10:25 RX