Coaches choice
WOD prep
Strict press 15 minutes to build to a heavy 3.
Bootleg Coors
10 minute KB ladder
5 Kettlebell swings (53,35)
5 Kettelbell goblet squats (53,35)
50 Double Unders
10 Kettlebell swings
10 Kettelbell goblet squats
50 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell swings
15 Kettelbell goblet squats
50 Double Unders
20 Kettlebell swings
20 Kettelbell goblet squats
50 Double Unders
Etc…Swings & Squats continue going up by 5’s, Dubs stay at 50
Option 2:
Option 3:
(26,18) Russian swings.
100 singles.
*Scale load up and down as needed.
*Scale reps of double or singles as needed.
*You should be looking to get the jump rope done in 3 quick sets or less.
Post WOD:
Couch stretch
Endurance & Stamina
300/210 calorie bike. Every 2 minutes 10 russian KB swings.(70,53)
CFS Brief:
In-house Throwdown Saturday, 11/3/18
Registration opens at 7:30am. Athlete’s meeting at 8:00am. First heat goes off at 8:30am.
Teams of 2 either male/male or female/female with RX and Scaled Divisions
Cost per athlete is $29 (includes t-shirt for men and tank top for women – please specify shirt size when registering)
Athletes will register and list their division, RX or Scaled. (Please see the criteria below.) The coaching staff will then pair up the teams accordingly.
Click here to register for this event
Click here to volunteer for this event
Bootleg Coors. #95 Strict Press.
25 cal bike in lieu of DU. #53KB. 4 rds + 4 KB swings.
Lifethyme Crossfit Bermuda:
4×2 Across Push Jerk from Rack: 95#
2×1 Across Push Jerk from Rack: 100#
AMRAP12: 6+11
8 Push Ups
12 Sumo DL High Pull (40# KB – Rx)
Heading home today because Andrew said I have to go back to work.
Yes Deb, you’ve been there long enough. Get back here because us 7:30 people need your WOD previews.
Ken, sitting in the airport in Bermuda wondering if there is anything I can use as a kettlebell…my jump rope is in my checked bag. 3-2-1 Go!!
I count on your previews of the WODs because the other 5:30 a.m. people who post their comments do weird modifications such as seated wall balls. Yuck.
You can probably do some type of tricep dips at the airport. I’ll show you the video that Crazy Mike made of himself doing dips in the boarding line when you get back.
Alternate Bootleg Coors – (Crossfit North East Masters Classic WOD 1 ) AMRAP 10
Team Roland & Kathy (RX 95/65)
5 Stones to Shoulder, 5 Stone squats, 50 DU’s, then 10/10/50, then 15/15/50….
Completed the 20’s. Got 11 STS’s in round 25