Coach’s choice

WOD prep:
Prep the Curtis P to WOD weight

AMRAP in 35 minutes
Buy-In: 15-12-9
Curtis P’s Opt 1(95,65)Opt 2(75,50)Opt 3(55,40)
Burpees over the barbell
In the remaining time, AMRAP of:
300 meter Run
27 Air Squats
18 Hand release push-ups
Start a 35-minute timer. Do the Curtis P’s and burpees. Then, without stopping continue to the run, air squats, and handstand push-ups and repeat those three movements as many times as possible until the 35-minute clock runs out. Your score is the number of rounds and repetitions completed of the run/air squats/hand-release push-ups
A Cutis P is:
1 Power clean
1 Lunge Right
1 Lunge Left
1 Push press

Post WOD:
Foam roll for 5 minutes.

CFS Brief:
*In House Throwdown, Sunday, November 10th teams of 2 guy/guy, girl/girl.  

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