Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Prep the movements.
Lucky 7
For Time:
1 Mile Run
10 Rounds of
7 Thrusters (75,55)
7 pull-ups
7 Burpees
Option 2:
1 Mile Run
10 Rounds of
7 Thrusters (65,45)
7 pull-ups
7 Burpees
Option 3:
1 Mile Run
7 Rounds of
7 Thrusters (45,30)
7 ring rows
7 Burpees
*Scale loads as needed. Thruster sets should be unbroken.
Endurance & Stamina:
1 mile run
2k row
5k bike
CFS Brief:
*30 Day Fall Partner Nutrition Challenge
Day 13
*In-house Throwdown Saturday, 11/3/18
Registration opens at 7:30am. Athlete’s meeting at 8:00am. First heat goes off at 8:30am.
Teams of 2 either male/male or female/female with RX and Scaled Divisions
Cost per athlete is $29 (includes t-shirt for men and tank top for women – please specify shirt size when registering)
Athletes will register and list their division, RX or Scaled. (Please see the criteria below.) The coaching staff will then pair up the teams accordingly.
Click here to register for this event
Click here to volunteer for this event
*Save the date, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 15th 7pm to 12pm. Sky Box in Natick.
Had to scale a ton today but I was super happy to be getting back at it.
1 mile bike (2:59)
10 rounds of:
7 seated strict press (45#)
3 strict pull-ups
7 med ball bench sit-ups (8#)
1 mile bike (2:32)
Total time 18:32
I was only planning on doing 1/2 mile but I felt good so did a mile in the beginning and added another at the end.
Lucky 7: 29:33 | 50# Thruster…Oh those Thrusters!! I honk that was the general sentiment after the WOD. But a beautiful morning for a run as we watched the sun rise! This workout was a burner with no place to hide.
Awesome work JD! So inspiring to see you getting after these workouts as you get back on two feet! Way to push yourself on the bike!
Did the mile in 9:06 Two months ago my time was over 11 mins. That made the rest of the workout worth it.
Deb — us 7:30 people are also poetic, just like you early risers: Enough with the burpees and thrusters for goodness sake, I’ve never done a WOD where I took so many breaks.
Josh — I’m hoping that you turned around at the right spot. Us 7:30 people have a bad reputation for that. Although it’s easier to see in the daylight. Good job!
That was a tough one today.
Way to go Josh!! Great to see you this morning – nice work finishing strong on those burpees!!
Ken – between the wall balls on Thursday and then thrusters and burpees today, you’d think I would get better at that movement…
Wow! That’s fantastic! Nice job!
Lucky 7: 29:37 (45# / 5 pull-ups)
That got spicy quickly – actually , from round 1! It’s not often that the burpees are the REST! But I’ll admit it was a great workout!
30:15 RX
Agree, Spicey from round 1