Coaches choice
WOD prep:
Prep the dead lift and DB push press to wod weight
“Let Go of My Eggo”
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts (275,185)
50 Double-unders
*Rest 5 minutes
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Calorie row
Dumbell single arm push press (50,35)
Option 2:
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts (205,135)
50 Double-unders
*Rest 5 minutes
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Calorie row
Dumbell single arm push press (40,25)
Option 3:
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts (135,95)
100 single-unders
*Rest 5 minutes
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Calorie row
Dumbell single arm push press (20,15)
Post WOD:
Foam roll for 5 minutes.
Indurance & Stamina
Row 4 500m intervals @ a 2k PR pace. Rest 2 minutes between intervals.
CFS Brief:
***Internet is back working at full speed. Please take a moment to sign in on the computer kiosk when you arrive – or as always, signing in on your phone works!***
Beginning July 1st we will no longer be offering BootCamp only memberships. Anyone with this type of membership has been given the offer to participate in our Foundations program. The Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5:30am classes and the Saturday 7:30am class will no longer be on the schedule. As always there are CrossFit classes available at all these times. We will continue to offer the Tuesday and Thursday classes at 8:30am with the same format we currently use. It will be something of a combo CrossFit/BootCamp class.
Bringing Common Sense Back to Health Care talk with Mary A. Medeiros, MD, MPH.
Thursday, June 28th 6:45pm to 7:45pm.
“I can’t even count the number of healthy people I’ve met who are spending ridiculous amounts of money every year for health care coverage they never use.” -MM
Mary A. Medeiros, MD, MPH, practices General Internal Medicine in a cutting-edge model known as Direct Primary Care (DPC) at Thrive Adult Primary Care in Franklin, MA (www.thriveapc.com). In addition to making personalized and accessible primary care affordable to the everyday person, DPC represents a grassroots movement that promotes bringing price transparency to health care delivery. In her presentation, Dr. Medeiros will explain how healthy people can deeply reduce costs while enjoying streamlined and attentive physician access.
Leggo My Eggo: 17:38 135# DL | Singles | 25# DB
Combo of rowing and push presses was tough, but went a lot better than anticipated 👊
Team wod with Alex
Teams of 2. One athlete completes a full round while the other rests
15 wall balls
1 legless rope climb. 12 rounds + 6
Rest 15 to 20
6 rounds
10 dead lifts
50 double unders
60 40 20
Cal row
Dumbell push press