Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Deadlifts build to wod weight.



Deadlifts (225,155)
Ring Dips
800 M Run after the 21’s
600 M Run after the 15’s
400 M Run after the 9’s

Options for ring dips:
1. Scale volume
2. Banded ring dips
3. Bar dips
4. Banded bar dips
5. Box dips

*Scale loads as needed.

Option 2:


Deadlifts (185,125)
Ring Dips
800 M Run after the 21’s
600 M Run after the 15’s
400 M Run after the 9’s

Option 3:


Deadlifts (95,65)
Ring Dips
400 M Run after the 21’s
300 M Run after the 15’s
200 M Run after the 9’s

Post WOD
Banded hamstring stretch. 2 minutes per side.