Coach’s choice

WOD prep:
Prep the pull-ups and thruster or the movements of the Post-WLC WOD.

WOD: There are 2 options for today’s WOD. If you participated in the Whole Life Challenge complete the WLC Post-workout WOD.  If you did not participate in the Whole Life Challenge you will be doing Hourglass

Post-WLC WOD. The workout must be completed exactly the same as you did in the Pre WLC workout.
In 11 minutes:
Run 400m, 800m, or 1200m (choose a distance you can finish in 6 minutes or less) There will be orange cones at each of the distances. If not running Bike 40,80 or 100 calories.

In the time remaining, complete as much of the following list as you can:
30 Air Squats
30 Sit-Ups
30 Plank Ups(Hands to elbows back to hands is 1 rep)
40 Reverse Lunges
40 Bicycles (elbow to the knee is 1 rep)
40 Push-Ups
50 Squat Jumps
50 Flutter Kicks
50 Mountain Climbers
100 Burpees
* For today’s WLC work count your total reps at the end of 11 minutes rest 5 minutes @  the 16-minute mark complete the rest of the workout for time including your 5 minutes rest.


Hourglass For time
800-m Sandbag run Option 1: (50,35) Option 2: (40,25) Option 3: (35,20)
Sandbag thrusters (Same)

600-m sandbag run (Same)
Sandbag thrusters (Same)

400-m sandbag run (Same)
Sandbag thrusters (Same)

200-m sandbag (Same)
Sandbag thrusters (Same)

Pull-up options:
1. Jumping pull-ups
2. Bar box assisted
3. Ring rows

Post WOD:
Couch stretch. 2 minutes each leg

CFS Brief:
*In House Throwdown teams of 2 guy/guy, girl/girl coming in November, stay tuned!

*Day 43 WLC. Finish up strong!  Post challenge repeat WOD this Saturday! Post-WLC Body composition will start this Friday.  Email us at info@cfsyn.com to schedule a day and time.

*Labor Day Adjusted Schedule
On Monday, September 2nd CFS will offer two classes –
8:00 am Adult CrossFit
9:30 am Adult CrossFit

There will be no kids classes on Labor Day.