3 rounds
8 Alternating DB snatches.
10 air squats
12/8 calorie row
WOD prep
Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds.
5 DB bench press
10 Double kettle bell front rack reverse lunges.
*Go as heavy as possible with good form.
Sky’s the Limit
1000 m row
40 wall balls (20,14)
30 Alternating Dumbbell snatches (50,35)
20 Toes to bar
Option 2:
1000 m row
40 wall balls (20,14)
30 Alternating Dumbbell snatches (40,25)
20 Toes to bar
Option 3:
1000 m row
40 wall balls (14,10)
30 Alternating Dumbbell snatches (30,20)
20 Knees to 90
Toes to bar options:
Knees to 90
Toes to rig
Post WOD
Foam roll IT bands.
CFS Brief:
Day 5 Prep week Nutrition challenge.
Concept 6- Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Are Not Your Enemy
Another popular health canard is that dietary saturated fat and cholesterol are horrible, evil things that seek only to clog our arteries, thicken our blood, and pad our waistlines. That’s crazy, of course. Fat, especially saturated fat, and dietary cholesterol are important building blocks for sex hormones like testosterone. Saturated fat helps us absorb nutrients from our food. Saturated fat is inherently the most stable fat, able to withstand heat and light stress without oxidizing, and it’s incredibly satiating. Cholesterol is crucial in the creation of vitamin D from sun exposure. And contrary to popular belief and the protestations of “experts,” neither saturated fat nor dietary cholesterol have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Sugar, refined PUFA oils, trans-fats? Those are the real enemies. Oh, and consider this: every successful diet is actually a high-fat diet. When you lose weight, whether it’s through low-carb Primal or high-carb vegan, you are consuming ample amounts of highly saturated animal fat. The only thing is that this animal fat is coming off your body, but it’s still saturated animal fat just the same.
A diet rich in animal fat and cholesterol is not just safe, it’s downright healthy.
WOD Prep: 30# DB Bench Press | 26# KB Reverse Lunge…with amazing form 😬
Sky’s the Limit: 1+590M | 14# WB To 8’ Target | 30# DB | TTB
Tbis is a rowing workout with a few distractions thrown in. Tried to keep things moving along and some things moved better than others 😉 I would have preferred 40 TTB and 20 Wall Balls…thanks Hanna!!
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