Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Prep the movements

Accumulate the following reps in any order or rep scheme:
60 calorie row
60 bicep curls (DB’s or barbell).
60 strict TTB, knees to elbows or knees to 90.
60 Double unders or 120 singles
60 dips (rings, fixed or box).
60 v-ups
60 overhead walking lunges (45,35)
60 Calorie Bike
*Scale loads and movements as needed.  The focus today is good clean crisp movements.

Endurance & Stamina:
Ten 40 m sprints.  Rest as needed between sprints.

CFS Brief:
*Save the date, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 15th 7pm to 12pm. Skybokx 109 in Natick.