Todd (High intensity functional movement)
Coach’s choice
WOD Prep:
Prep the kettle bell swing
“Swing town” for time
“200 KB Swings(70,53)
* 15/10 cal bike penalty for each drop *or 10/7 row.
*the load you choose you should be capable of doing 20+reps in the first set.
Option 2:
150 KB Swings(53,35)
* 15/10 cal bike penalty for each drop *or 10/7 row.
Option 3:
100 Russian KB Swings(35,26)
* 15/10 cal bike penalty for each drop *or 10/7 row
Post WOD
Lax ball scaps 2 minutes each side.
CFS Brief:
Save the dates:
CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 16th at the SKY BOX 109 in Natick! 6:30pm to Midnight! 319 Speen St.
Fight For Air Climb CFS team fundraiser in Boston set for Saturday, February 3rd at One Boston Place. Details coming soon!
19:23 @ 44#
Blew up the forearms in the first round of 50. All downhill from there!
Swing Town: 28:26 | 35# KBS | 120 Total Calories on the Bike
This is one of those workouts that even looked bad on the whiteboard. First two sets were at 20 and then 15 for the duration. I love the bike and Hanna did not no rep me on the Kettlebell swing. Thank you to JD and Ilana for pushing me through the last couple of rounds 🙂
17:30@ 53
23:34 #53
30/30/ then sets of 20’s
23:43 (35#). I started with a set of 30, them I did a set of 10, then mostly 15’s. I totaled 120 calories on the bike, which means I stopped 12 times! I was very happy when it was over!!