Coach’s choice

WOD prep:

Crack Pot
Teams of 2
With a running clock
10 Power Cleans (135,95)
10/7 Calorie row
20 Med ball chest passes (AHAP)(6ft apart)(10 each)
@ the 20-minute mark, 400m Double Kettlebell farmers carry together(70,53)
@ the 26-minute mark, Tabata partner med ball sit-up passes. 

*One athlete works while the other rests.  Except for the med ball chest passes and farmers carry.

*Scale loads as needed. You should be comfortable moving 5 reps for the power cleans.

Post WOD:
Agile 8

CFS Brief:
*28 Day 150 Nutrition Challenge is back. Monday, April 29 to Sunday, May 26th.